Benefits of Consortium Membership

Benefits of Consortium Membership


ACTC’s Liberal Arts Consortium is comprised of a small number of colleges and universities who join with the ACTC leadership and board of directors to chart ACTC’s course and set our programmatic priorities.


Consortium membership includes, in addition to all of the benefits of institutional membership, listing on the ACTC website, eligibility to nominate two faculty members for each ACTC Institute program, and a seat at the table as we discuss: conference themes, locations and sponsorships; institute topics and locations; collaborations with other organizations; funding opportunities and strategies; and new programs.


With great changes taking place in higher education, this is an especially important time to become an ACTC Consortium member. ACTC’s Consortium members help direct the organization’s future, determining where and how it will use its institutional capital to preserve and advance the study of core texts. ACTC is in the midst of growing its membership, programs, and influence. Its Consortium members help to navigate the organization through change.


Consortium membership is a meaningful way for both senior faculty as well as junior faculty seeking tenure or promotion to serve their respective disciplines. Members play key roles at our annual conference in introducing speakers and running panels. Consortium membership is also a meaningful academic service distinction for members schools.


In addition to all of the benefits of Institutional membership, Consortium membership includes:

Discounted Fees and Hosting Support: A reduced rate for hosting a lectio ($1500 instead of $2000) or a bump in support for an undergrad conference ($2500 instead of $2000).

Invitation to a special consortium session at the annual meeting. A chance to weigh in on ACTC’s plans and programs (e.g. conference themes, summer workshops, lectios, undergraduate conferences, publications, undergraduate programs, etc.)

An invitation to suggest members or serve on our Board of Directors. These can’t be nominations, and we can’t make guarantees but, ceteris paribus, I think it makes sense to give representatives of consortium schools a leg up in our consideration for open board spots.

Prominent listing as a member of the Liberal Arts Consortium. This includes on our website and in the printed program for the annual meeting and other public documents.

Table at the ACTC’s annual conference. ACTC’s annual conference presents an opportunity for Consortium members to raise awareness of their institution’s program, publications, or people by hosting a table in the conference’s reception area.