Agora: Undergraduate Journal

Agora: The Undergraduate Journal of the Association of Core Texts and Courses

Agora is an online undergraduate journal founded at the University of Lynchburg and now published by the Association of Core Texts and Courses. The journal’s takes its title from the Greek word for “gathering place” or “assembly,” and it harkens back to the agora of classical Athens—that bustling marketplace in the heart of the city that was home to a diverse array of activities ranging from mercantile exchange and political debate, to athletic contests and artistic displays, to the communal worship of the gods. Like its Athenian ancestor, Agora is a venue for the exploration of profound ideas, incisive arguments, and formative debates that speak to the most important questions and concerns that confront human life. Inspired by its commitment to serious thinking, careful reading, excellent writing, and a shared life of the mind, Agora aims to preserve and promote liberal learning in undergraduate education by publishing excellent undergraduate essays on core texts, world classics, and other works of major cultural significance.

Students who have presented papers at an ACTC Undergraduate Conference are invited to submit 1500 – 3000 word essays in 12 point Times New Roman font, using Chicago style with footnotes to: Preference will be given to students who have presented at the most recent conferences, but all are welcome to submit.


The Editor in Chief of Agora is Professor Samuel Stoner (Assumption University)


Agora Editorial Board

Charlie Barrett, St. John’s College, Santa Fe

Thomas Bullington, Mercer University

Rachel Coleman, Assumption University

Matt Dinan, St. Thomas University

Alexander Duff, University of Texas, Austin

Derek Duplessie, Assumption University

Jennifer Frey, University of Tulsa

Maria José Gomez Ruiz, Universidad Panamericana

Sarah Gustafson, Catholic University of America

Mary Elizabeth Halper, Hertog Foundation

Zena Hitz, St. John’s College, Annapolis

Gregory McBreyer, Ashland University

Veronica Ogle, Villanova University

Stuart Patterson, North Central College

Alex Priou, University of Austin

Donald Schaffer, Mississippi State University

Paul Wilford, Elm Institute