Mission and Organization
ACTC is a membership driven professional association concerned with the improvement of liberal education through the use of core texts. Membership is open to all who have an interest in liberal education and is determined before each annual meeting to be those who have paid their annual contributory dues on or before the opening of the annual conference.
Each member is entitled to vote on each matter submitted to the membership during its annual business meeting or through a specially called election. No person may exercise two votes.
ACTC’s management is vested in the Board of Directors. The Board, President, and Executive Director jointly form policies and initiatives of ACTC. The ACTC Liberal Arts Consortium acts as an advisory board to the Executive Director on projects and programming.
ACTC is a federally-determined 501c(3), non-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible.
Offices are located at:
The ACTC Liberal Arts Institute at Mercer University
Knight Hall, Mercer University
1501 Mercer University Drive
Macon GA, 31207
Inquiries may be directed to info@coretexts.org.